Hope health and happiness under the influence of Aquarius ...

It’s highly likely that many of us are entering this year with a touch of trepidation , but also hope ..

When the Saturn and Jupiter conjunction began on winter solstice, it was believed that the sparkling light it created could have been very similar to that which was said to be The star of Bethlehem ! Just like then , this is also perhaps the start of a very significant time for humanity under the influence of Aquarius ♒️.. a time of air energy bringing with it innovation, and a strong focus on humanity . Having been so isolated during the pandemic lockdowns , this new age will hopefully in time also bring with it a renewed unity amongst people along with a deeper respect and understanding for our beautiful planet and all its living creatures . Returning to a life of living and working alongside Mother Nature .

Balance within ourselves in turn will then result in a balance in the world we live in .

One of the fundamental concepts of Chinese Medicine - is that Yin and Yang ☯️ are interdependent upon one another and that they can be used to categorise most if not all phenomena . Eg. Earth is Yin , Heaven is Yang , Feminine is Yin , Masculine is Yang etc. Opposite forces by nature , yet neither can exist without the other .

Regarding our health - Yang energy is what gives the body the ability to perform actions and Yin counterbalances the rising nature of Yang, so when Yin is deficient Yang is not anchored and we can suffer as a result.

Now more than ever we can be the architects for much of our health and well-being , with the help , love and understanding of each other we will be able to conquer so many of the hardships that last year brought with it and enter a new age of health and happiness 🌞

Natascha Zeller