Where’s your road taking you?


Are we the masters of our own destiny or is our life mapped out as fate intended ?

Whatever you believe to be the case, the last year may well have led every one of us down a road of inward reflection.. perhaps questioning if we’re really doing what ‘floats our boat’ .. and if not why ? Shouldn’t we all be aiming as much as we can, for a life of purpose ?

I was recently reminded quite out of the blue to ‘wake up’ , take stock and once again listen to my gut instinct .. Perhaps you can also relate to these moments that periodically come along to either stop you in your tracks, or give you a metaphorical kick up the derrière ! .. They often catch us off guard and are usually pivotal points in life that can either consciously or subconsciously change our direction.

Letting us know that more often than not, nothing in life is guaranteed other than change ..

I do so love making plans ! If we didn’t after all make plans and just waited for life to unfold it may not go very far, but when things don’t go according to plan it can often be so frustrating. I’m slowly discovering however that I can now find an acceptance to change that my younger self couldn’t so well, along with an unknown courage and strength to see it through ...

When I was in my early twenties a dear friend of mine passed on a book called the ‘Celestine Prophecy’. If you don’t know it, the gist was about the choices we make in life, which roads we choose to take and how this can shape our life and it really inspired me.

Recently a new dear friend passed on another book to me called ‘The Monk who sold his Ferrari’ , different but similar in its inspiration for following your instincts.

So whatever the road is your travelling down right now, take a moment every now and again to consider where it is taking you .. do you like what your seeing on your journey .. are you learning from it ? ..

If it excites and nourishes your mind body and soul even when bumps and cracks appear, then maybe you want to keep going and see where it’s leading .

However if it starts to feel endless, to wear you down or simply just doesn’t feel right, at the next junction take the turn off. It doesn’t matter if it’s left or right. Just take a different direction and trust it’s taking you down your road .. not anyone else’s, just yours .

“Never forget the importance of living with unbridled exhilaration. Never neglect to see the exquisite beauty in all living things. Today, and this very moment is a gift. Stay focused on your purpose. The universe will take care of everything else.”

From ‘The Monk who sold his Ferrari’ by Robin Sharma

Natascha Zeller