Letting Go...

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As we move deeper into Autumn along with cooler temperatures and shorter days, we are also moving into a time that in Traditional Chinese Medicine is considered to be a time where the element of Metal dominates- that which cools, cuts, reflects and separates.

So along with cooler temperatures come shorter days with longer nights that can perhaps give us more time to reflect on what we need to carry with us through the winter, and what we can let go of from that which no longer serves us.

Metal is symbolised by a majestic snow capped mountain that reaches high up towards the heavens, but is grounded firmly within the earth. It stands as a symbol of inner strength, endurance and tranquility.

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Just as nature sheds old leaves that have had their time on the forest floor, we too can use this time of year to move inwards. Reflecting on what can be left behind as we begin the process of letting go of the past in order to create space for the new.

We can help ourselves do this through more grounding yoga practices like nourishing yin postures, which give us time to stay and release parts of the body that may have become tight and wound up in amongst all the excitement and movement of summer activities.

Also taking time to sit out in amongst nature observing her beautiful autumn colours, and noticing how gracefully she lets go...

‘Let Go of Something’ by Danna Faulds

Let go of something, somewhere.

Use yoga to become aware, to touch what lies beneath the surface of the skin.

Is there tension longing for release; a knot of fear so deep and familiar that you believe it’s part of who you are?

Ease into dark corners, locked rooms, unexplored hallways. Gain entry not by force or will but only by softness.

Enter on the wings of breath, and turn the key of self-acceptance to let go of something, somewhere.

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Natascha Zeller